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This weeks Script from the last episode

Episode 104 - Joey and the book club

[Scene 1: Joey’s house. Michael’s at the table working, and Joey walks in.]

Joey: Hey Michael. Are you studying again? Do you realize how depressing that is to come home to?

Michael: As depressing as it is to come home to an empty lasagna tray?

Joey: Touché, Michael. It’s just a reminder of the fact that I have no social life out here. I’m having the worst dry spell ever.

Michael: My dry spell’s lasted twenty years, but go on.

Joey: I mean, in New York if you see a pretty girl, you just walk right up to her, you know? But here, they’re all in cars. They go whippin’ past me at like a million miles an hour. Like today, I saw this pretty girl driving toward me, so I make a U-turn and get a ticket for 800 bucks.

Michael: 800 dollars for a U-turn?

Joey: Yeah. We may have been on a freeway at the time, but..I just wish I had a regular place where I could go and meet women.

Michael: You could go to bars.

Joey: Nah, I’m getting too old for that. Plus I’m not great at telling whether or not they’re gay bars before I go in. Oh by the way, if Ramon calls, I am not here.

[Opening Credits]

[Scene 2: Joey and Michael’s house. Gina is on the couch reading a magazine. Joey walks downstairs.]

Joey: Hey.

Gina: Joey, come here. Look at this. The world is a freakin’ joke. (Hands Joey a magazine)

Joey: Cargo pants are five minutes ago? The world is a freakin’ joke.

Gina: No, the thing about the celebrity hairstylist.

Joey: Oh.

Gina: I went to cosmetology school with that girl and she was terrible. She burned way more hair than I did, and I burned some hair. Now I have to read about her living the glamorous life and rubbing elbows with celebrities. That should be me.

Joey: You cut my hair. I’m on TV.

Gina: No offense, but you’re only slightly more famous than my client who shot her husband.

[Michael Enters carrying a plate of sandwiches]

Joey: Hello giant plate of sandwiches.

Michael: Joey, listen-

Joey: Oh, hey Michael, I didn’t even see you there.

Michael: Hands off. Theses are for my book club tonight.

Joey: A book club? Here, in my own home? Gosh, it’s like I’m living at the Playboy mansion.

Michael: Stay away from the sandwiches. Watch him, mom.

Joey: (Laughs) Pssh. (Gina glares at him and Joey looks scared)

Gina: I can’t believe this. It’s so upsetting when people with less talent than you are more successful.

Joey: Yeah, like that dog from my beer commercial..couldn’t catch a Frisbee on cue, works all the time.

Gina: Ya know, you should ask your agent to hook me up. She has lots of famous clients that need to get there hair done. Just show her my portfolio, I’m sure she will be impressed.

Joey: Well I can show it to her, but I’m not so sure she’ll be impressed. I mean, all the hairstyles are modeled by Michael. Even the women’s.

Gina: So?

Joey: So? The Dorothy Hammel haircut with the heavy makeup? We’re lucky he’s not burring bodies in the backyard.

[Scene 3: Bobbie’s Office. Joey walks in.]

Bobbie: Joey, what are you doing here? Why aren’t you out there getting work?

Joey: Uh, didn’t have any auditions today.

Bobbie: Oh sure, put it all on me. (Notices the portfolio that Joey’s holding) What’s that?

Joey: Oh, it’s a portfolio of hairstyles.

Bobbie: What? (She looks through the portfolio) Oh, who’s the model? I’d like to keep that little piece of chicken in my pocket and snack on him all day.

Joey: Uh, that’s my nephew.

Bobbie: Well we can see who has the looks in your family.

Joey: Anyway, my sister is a hairdresser and that’s her portfolio. I was hoping maye you could show it to some of your clients.

Bobbie: Oh, absolutely. (Picks up the phone and dials random numbers) Hi. Halle Berry. My client has a sister who’s a barber. Could she do your hair for the Oscars? (Hangs up)

Joey: What’d she say?

Bobbie: Joey, I’m not here to do you personal favors. Let me explain how this agent thing works. First, you become famous, and then I’ll kiss your ass. But until then, let’s keep it strictly professional.

Joey: Okay, sorry. I understand. (Starts to pick up the portfolio and leave)

Bobbie: (Grabs the portfolio from Joey) Leave the pictures of the boy toy.

[Scene 4: Joey and Michael’s house. Joey walks in to find Michael’s book club has a lot of women in it.]

Maureen: Well hello, are you here for Book Club?

Joey: I am now.

Diane: What did you think of this week’s book?

Joey: I found it extremely fictional.

[Michael Walks downstairs]

Michael: Uh, Joey, Joey, can I just talk to you for one second?

Joey: Uh, yeah.

Michael: (To the girls) Sorry.

[Michael and Joey walk away from Maureen and Diane]

Michael: What are you doing?

Joey: You didn’t tell me there were pretty ladies in the nerd club. You gotta let me in.

Michael: Look, I don’t know.

Joey: Hey, come on, Michael. You can’t kick me out of a room full of women. If I was in charge of a room full of boring stuff, I’d let you in.

Michael: Look, this isn’t one of those book clubs where people just come to mingle. Alright? It’s a place to discuss literature not pick up girls-

[Jane Enters]

Michael: Oh my god, Jane’s here, Jane.

Jane: Hi Michael. I brought an ice cream cake.

Michael: That’s great. It’s great-great to see you. Uh, great book huh? So great, It was a little slow at the beginning, but great over all. I mean, did you think it was great?

Jane: The cake is cold. My hands are getting numb.

Michael: Oh. (Takes the cake and puts it in the freezer)

[Jane walks away]

Joey: Not a place to pick up girls, huh?

Michael: What, Jane? No way. No, are you kidding? No, I would never-

Joey: Great, great, g-great, great, g-g-great, great, great, g-g-g-g-great, great..

Michael: All right! I love her so much.

Joey: So, so, ask her out.

Michael: No, the book club has a strict no dating rule, and I’m the president. She’s my vice president. The scandal would tear our administration apart.

Joey: Michael, you have to seize this moment. The love between two nerds is a rare and fragile thing.

Michael: I want to. I can’t go against the rules without a motion being passed.

Joey: So, I’ll make a motion.

Michael: You’re not a member. There’s an approval process.

Joey: Well, I motion you suspend it on account of me being the sole payer of rent for the book club’s headquarters.

Michael: I second the motion. The motion is passed

Joey: I motion for a presidential exemption to the no-dating rule.

Michael: I second the motion. The motion is passed.

Joey: I motion that you and me eat that entire ice cream cake right now.

Michael: Motion denied.

Joey: Mr. Chairman, you’re out of order!

[Scene 5: Joey and Michael’s house. The book club meeting has just ended.]

Joey: Great book club tonight, lively discussion, and I got five phone numbers.

Michael: Yeah, the girls were crazy about you. What’s your secret?

Joey: Well there’s no trick. Women just want to be listened to. So when they talk I pretend to listen and go like this. (Nods his head) Hey, so, how’d it go with Jane? Did you ask her out?

Michael: No, just ‘cause I wanna wait ‘til next week’s meeting just so I can set the mood. So I picked a romantic book, and I asked her to come over right before just to help me write out the discussion questions.

Joey: Nice. Nice. What’ the book?

Michael: Jane Austin’s Pride and Prejudice. It’s a tale of manners and courtship set in 19th century rural England.

Joey: I hope you enjoy reading that.

Michael: Joey, if you’re gonna be in the book club, you have to read the book. The whole notion of- (Joey is doing his pretending-to-listen nod) Stop that! Stop it!

[Gina Enters]

Gina: Hey guys.

Joey: Hey.

Michael: Hi, Mom.

Gina: So, is the agent gonna send me any clients?

Joey: Uh, no. Actually, Bobbie’s been very busy so I don’t know if you should expect a call.

Michael: Your agent? She did call.

Gina: Really?

Michael: Yeah it was weird, she called me her little chicken nugget and then made a bunch of slurping noises.

Joey: Uh, that's just show biz talk.

Gina: I can't believe you don't know anyone famous. If you hadn't turned down that hit show, you'd have so many connections that could help me right now.

Joey: Yeah, that's what I regret most about that decision.

[Alex Enters]

Alex: Hey. I'm sorry to bug you, but did you get some of my mail by mistake? I didn't get my People magazine and the post office said they delivered it today.

[Joey turns and looks at Gina]

Joey: Gina, weren't you readin' that earlier?

Gina: (To Alex) What's the problem, I'm not good enough to steal your magazine?

Joey: (To Alex) Uh, that's okay, I think it's upstairs. Just have a seat.

Alex: No no, that's okay, you don't need to leave us alone..

[Joey Leaves], tell me, do you-

Gina: This isn't a social hour. What famous people do you know?

Alex: Oh, well um, my college friend Jessica's married to a big time movie producer.

Gina: So does she wear really expensive gowns, and get her hair all done up and go to big premieres?

Alex: Yeah, all the time. She goes to one like every week.

Gina: Aww, you're lying to impress me.

Alex: No, I'm not lying. She's a really good friend, of mine.

Gina: Yeah right.I'd like to see you ask her to let me do her hair for her next premiere.

Alex: Alrigtht, I will. Wait, what just happened?

Gina: I'm really good, I sware. I just need a chance. If you call her and set it up, I'll be nice to you.

Alex: For how long?

Gina: Name your terms.

Alex: Two weeks.

Gina: Done.

Alex: I shoulda said three.

Gina: And now you're down to one.

Alex: Ugh.

[Scene 6: Joey and Michael's house. Michael is setting up for Book Club. Joey enters.]

Joey: Hey.

Michael: Hello.

Joey: Hey listen, tonight at book club, don't have Diane sit next to Maureen.

Michael: Why?

Joey: I may be dating both of them exclusively.

[Knock On The Door]

Michael: Oh my god, that's Jane

Joey: Alright, I'll get out of your hair until book club starts. I'll be in my room reading the book and listening to some "Soft Rock Hits of the 70's" (Shows Michael a cassette tape) Can you believe someone threw this out?

[Joey Leaves and Michael answers the door]

Michael: Hi. Whoa. Come in, I'm sorry, it's just you look great.

Jane: Thanks. You look- I don't know. I can't see without my glasses. I probably shouldn't have driven here.

Michael: So uh, did you enjoy the book?

Jane: Oh, yeah.

Michael: Yeah, it's pretty romantic.

Jane: Very.

Michael: So, I wanted to ask you-

[Joey walks downstairs with headphones on]

Joey: Don't mind me. Just grabbing a snack. Reading makes me hungry.

Michael: (To Jane) Uh, so-

Joey: (Singing) Just call me angel of the morning, angel. Just touch my cheek before you leave.

[Joey walks back upstairs, Michael gestures for Jane to sit down, and they both sit]

Michael: So I was, I was just thinking that maybe we could loosen up the rules of Book Club.

Jane: Oh, ok.

Michael: Like, maybe we could strike the No Dating rule from the bylaws.

Jane: Oh yes, let's do that.

Michael: Okay, consider it stricken.

Jane: Ok great, so we can date people in Book Club.

Michael: Yes we can.

Jane: So what's up with your uncle?

Michael: I'm sorry?

Jane: Well, do you think he would go out with me? He mentioned he was single last time, and I was hoping you could say something for me.

[Joey walks downstairs]

Joey: I'm gonna go read in the courtyard. Give you two some privacy.

[Scene 7: The Courtyard at Joey and Michael's house. Joey is reading.]

Joey: 4 down, 371 to go

[Gina Enters]

Gina: Hey.

Joey: Hey.

Gina: I just wanted to tell you guys to be sure you watch TV tonight. I just did Alex's friend's hair for a premiere, and she's gonna be on the Red Carpet!

Joey: Oh, how'd it go?

Gina: Oh, I was a little nervous at first. She's a very fancy lady. She was drinkin' martinis and sittin' with her legs crossed. But then I got into it, and instinct just took over. I did this beautiful, old Hollywood style updo.

Joey: Congratulations. All right.

[They high-five]

Gina: I'm gonna go tell Michael.

Joey: No, no, no. He's in there with a girl.

Gina: Okay, he's in there with a girl, and you're reading books? What is this, Freaky Friday? Alright, I guess I'll go tell Blondy how it went.

Joey: Ahh, call her Alex. You promised you were gonna be nice.

Gina: Only one more day of that, and some stuff is gonna happen.

[Gina Leaves]

Joey: Five minutes left, I gotta buckle down...hey little snail!

[Diane and Maureen walk into the courtyard]

Diane: Hi Joey.

Joey: Diane..Maureen. You two know each other?

Maureen: Oh yeah, we're good friends.

Joey: I did not know that. Come on in.

[Joey, Diane, and Maureen walk inside the house]

Jane: Hi Joey.

Joey: Sup?

[Joey walks over to Michael]

Joey: Listen, Michael, I didn't exactly finish the book, okay? So don't call on me.

Michael: You're unbelievable.

Joey: What?

Michael: Come here.

[Joey and Michael walk outside]

Joey: What's the matter? Did you ask Jane out?

Michael: No, I didn't ask her out, 'cause she wants to go out with you.

Joey: Oh dude, I'm so sorry. Obviously I would never-

Michael: You totally screwed this up for me.

Joey: I didn't mean to. I barely said two words to her.

Michael: You didn't have to. You came to the meeting last week with your game face on, looking to score, and it worked. Alright? you're like a..big blob of sex, and you oozed your charm all over the girl I like.

Joey: I am not a sex blob! Okay, this is not my fault. Look, I'm sorry if she likes me, but I didn't do anything wrong.

Michael: I should never have let you in.

[Joey and Michael walk back inside]

Jane: So, should we get started?

Michael: Yes. Come, Joey, let's go talk about the book we all read.

Joey: (Whispers) Nothing past page four!

[Joey avoids Jane, and sits between Diane and Maureen]

Maureen: Hey, I wanted to call and tell you what a great time-

Joey: Uh, Book Club is starting everybody! (Rings a bell) Book Club!

Michael: Okay, so, who wants to start?

Lloyd: I thought-

Michael: Joey, what did you think of Pride and Prejudice? Let's hear it. What were some of the central themes?

Joey: Uh...well, pride was one.

Maureen: Oh, yeah.

Diane: Yeah.

Joey: And of course prejudice, which is wrong!

Maureen: Oh yeah.

Diane: Uh huh.

Michael: Uh, uh huh, and what did you think of Darcy?

Joey: She was good.

Michael: Darcy's a man.

Maureen: But not in the modern sense. Is that what you're saying Joey?

Joey: Uh, yes it is. Yes it is, Maureen. Thank you.

Diane: That's interesting.

Jane: That's very interesting.

Michael: He didn't read the book! The only reason he's here is to pick up women. Now, in the interest of maintaining the integrity of Book Club, I motion that we kick Joey out. Who seconds?

[No one raises their hand]

Michael: Come on! He didn't read the book.

Maureen: Neither did I.

Diane: Me neither.

Lloyd: I saw the movie.

Joey: There was a movie?!

Michael: Did anyone here read the book?

Maureen: You put too much pressure on us, Michael. A book a week?

Jane: It's just really gotten very stressful.

Michael: How is reading stressful? Reading is fun. (Yelling) It's fun!

Joey: Okay, let's not turn this into a hostage situation. If you want me to leave, I will.

Jane Maureen and Diane: No!

Michael: You know what, I'm just gonna leave.

[Scene 8: Alex's House. Gina and Alex are getting ready to watch the premiere.]

Alex: Okay, it's almost time for the big premiere. I made popcorn.

Gina: Nice place. (Picks up a picture) Who's the knockout in the tiara?

Alex: Oh, that's my sister Nancy. She was queen of the Rose Parade.

Gina: Oh, you're cute, but maybe you shouldn't stand next to her in family pictures.

Alex: Yeah, that's what my mom says.

Gina: I really appreciate you helping me out. I mean, I know I mess with you sometimes but it's just for fun. (Gives Alex a friendly jab)

Alex: Oh yeah, that is fun. (Starts to give Gina a friendly jab back, but decides it's best not to hit her) So this is actually kinda nice, being friendly. Maybe we could keep it up a little longer than a week.

Gina: Hmm, I physically can't. Oh my god, it's on! Ahem, George Clooney. I would ware him down to a nub.

Alex: yeah, I would..have bunches of sex with him.

Gina: Oh my god, that's Jessica's husband getting out of the limo.

Alex: Oh my god, this is exciting. Oh there she is. Oh wow, she actually looks really good. Not that I'm suprised. I mean, when I said "actually" I didn't mean..(Notices that Gina looks sad) What? What's wrong?

Gina: She took it down.

Alex: What?

Gina: That wasn't the style I gave her. She must've taken it out in the limo. She hated it. I can't believe this. (Turns off the TV)

Alex: Oh, I'm so sorry.

Gina: I knew when I walked in there I was out of my league, but i spent two hours trying to fake it.

Alex: Oh no. There, there..

Gina: I can't believe I ever thought I could do this. I just don't fit in with rich people. They look down on me. They always have and they always will. With their grammer, adn their leg crossing, and..

[Alex uncrosses her legs]

Alex: Hye, don't be sayin' that girlfriend. Okay look, I grew up with money, and I don't look down on you. If anything, I envy you.

Gina: Come on.

Alex: IT's true. I wish I were as strong and as confident as you. And if it were me, I would be more than happy to have you do my hair.

Gina: Really? You mean that?

Alex: Absolutely.

Gina: So can we do it right now?

Alex: Now? Oh, now seems so soon.

[Scene 9: The courtyard outsidee Joey and Michael's house. Joey's on the phone.]

Joey: Look, Michael, it's Joey. I know you're mad, but I hope you come home soon so we can talk about how you're feeling and work this out. And also, if you get a chance to pick up some tacos or something on your way home that'd be great. (Hangs up)

[Michael Enters]

Joey: Hey, look uh, I know you're upset because Jane liked me, alright but I hope you know I would never come between you and a girl, alright and I really did not mean for that to happen.

Michael: I know you didn't. That's the problem.

Joey: What?

Michael: It's gonna happen whether you try or not, you know? Anytime I actually get a girl and bring her home, she'll take one look at you and forget I'm even here.

Joey: Come on, give yourself some credit. You have so many gifts that I don't have. You're really smart. People respect your opinion about stuff. That's a great thing.

Michael: Maybe. I'd still rather have your gifts.

Joey: Yeah me too, but believe me. You are on your way to big things. Okay, because you're only gonna get better with girls and stuff. But I'll always suck at math. In like 5 years, you are gonna be a force to be reckoned with.

Michael: Yeah, and in 5 years, you'll be 40.

Joey: You have a lot of your mother in you, don't you

[Gina Enters]

Gina: Okay, ladies and gentelman, modeling a Gina Tribbiani hairstyle called the Nice 'n Nasty, I give you Alex Garret.

[Alex Enters]

Joey: Whoa, now that's a neighbor!

Gina: (To Michael) Come on, get your camera. I wanna get some pictures.

Michael: (To Alex) You look so diffrent. I can't believe you own an outfit that slutty.

Gina: Hey, that's mine. I wear that to church.

[Michael and Gina Leave]

Joey: You're very nice to be such a good sport.

Alex: Can I tell you something? I love it! I feel like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman.

Joey: You know she was a hooker, right?

Alex: Yes. I have to go look at myself in the mirror again!

[Scene 10: Bobbie's Office]

Bobbie: Oh, Joey I've got great news.

Joey: Did I get that commerical?

Bobbie: No, I bought a horse.

[Michael Enters]

Michael: Joey, come on. I gotta get to school. (To Bobbie) Oh, hi, I'm Michael.

Bobbie: Oooo, have a seat. Joey, I completely forgot. There's a residual check for you in the accounting department. Why don't you go grab it?

Joey: Alright! Okay, I'll be right back. I'll be right back.

[Joey Leaves]

Bobbie: So, Michael, how do you feel about full frontal nudity?

Michael: I'm not an actor.

Bobbie: Oh yes, I know.


Joey: Episode 103 - Joey and the party

[Scene 1: Joey and Michael s house. Michael and Joey are sitting on the couch playing a baseball video game.]
Michael: And stee-rike three!

Joey: This is so unrealistic. Derek Jeter doesn t strike out on three curve balls in a row.

Michael: Did you know that the laws of physics suggest that the curve ball is actually impossible?

Joey: Why do you have to ruin stuff like that? Huh? The curve ball is impossible. Don t eat that, it s solid mold. That not a dog, it s a possum. Stop letting it lick your face. Why?!

Michael: I gotta get to school.

Joey: Dude, let me let you in on a little secret. You don t live with your mom anymore. You don t have to go to school. Stay here. We ll have fun.

Michael: Man, I really have to finish some work.

Joey: So you can work here. There s a comfy couch. A lamp. Pens. What else do you need?

Michael: A Cray T3-E 1200 Super Computer.

Joey: The lamp has three settings. Look, I just-I don t have anyone to hang out with here. Do you have to go to school every day? Isn t the teacher ever sick or you get, like, a snow day or something?

Michael: There are not too many snow days in LA. Although it s funny that you mention that, cause I m studying a climate-change scenario right now where the polar ice caps melt, and-

Joey: Oh, just go!

[Michael Leaves]

Joey: (Sits on the couch and gives a game controller to Hugsy] I know I can beat you. Ah, stee-rike! This is a new low.

[Opening Credits]

[Scene 2: Joey and Michael s house. Joey is climbing the stone shelves above his fireplace, but one piece breaks off in his hand and he falls. Gina walks in.]
Gina: Did you break another piece off the wall?

Joey: It s just begging to be climbed!

Gina: I just wanted to drop off Michael s laundry. I gotta get back to the salon.

Joey: You re going in this late?

Gina: Yeah, my first client cancelled. God rest her soul.

Joey: I was hoping you could stay. I was thinking maybe we could hang out.

Gina: Why, is something wrong?

Joey: I like LA and all, but being between projects, and not knowing that many people yet, I m kinda lonely. How are you supposed to make friends as an adult?

Gina: Have you met anybody nice in the building?

Joey: Well, there actually is this one guy, Jake. He lives across the courtyard. He seems really cool.

Gina: Well have you talked to him?

Joey: Kinda, yeah. I ve talked to him a couple times by the mailboxes. He s always goin out to play basketball with his friends. Man, if I knew them I could play ball with them too. Assuming they also suck.

Gina: So why don t you be friends with him?

Joey: Yeah, why don t I just catch a rainbow and put it in my pocket.

Gina: Oh come on, it should be easy for you. It s like picking up a girl. How do you do that?

Joey: I don t know. I kinda go into a zone you know. I just start talking to a girl and the next thing you know I m sneaking out of her apartment.

Gina: Hey maybe you and Michael should have a party, like a housewarming. Invite the whole building. Have Jake come.

Joey: Yeah, that s a great idea. I can call Jake right now. I know from the mailboxes that his last name is Morgan. Huh? (Points to his head) More than just a hat rack, Gina. (Starts looking through the phonebook) Okay, Morgan, Morgan.. Shoot, there s like ten J. Morgans. If only I knew his address. (Laughs) Here s a guy with the same address as me. (Realizing) Right. Got it. I m on it. I m on it. (Starts to dial, but then hears someone dribbling a basketball outside) Do you hear that? That might be Jake. Should I go talk to him?

Gina: Go, Joey. Go grab your rainbow.

[Joey runs outside]

Joey: Jake, Jake! Hey, what s up, man?

Jake: Joey, right?

Joey: Well, my friends call me J-Bird. Uh, anyway, my roommate and I are having a little party Thursday for everyone in the building.

Jake: Oh yeah, sure I ll stop by.

Joey: Awesome. Yeah, you won t be sorry. The J-Bird throws a great party.

[Jakes Leaves]

Joey: Why do I keep calling myself that? Hold it together, J-bird!

[Scene 3: Michael and Joey s house. Gina and Joey are getting ready for the party. Alex walks in]
Alex: Hey Joey.

Joey: Hey.

Gina: What, you don t say hello to me?

Alex: Oh! I didn t even see you there. Hello! Hello! Your skin is so beautiful.

Gina: Enough..

Alex: Yeah, right. (To Joey) So listen, I know you re having a party tonight. So I just wanted to drop off a list of rules about noise and parking and stuff.

Joey: You know you re invited, right?

Alex: Oh, okay! (Crumples up the list)

[Michael Enters]

Michael: Oh, hey Alex.

Alex: Hi, Michael.

Gina: Who were you on the phone with?

Michael: Did you ever meet Seth from college?

Gina: Was he the home-schooled kid with the glasses or the Asian kid allergic to light?

Michael: I don t think you ever met him. He s this super-competitive guy. He just called to gloat about this fellowship he won. Like I hadn t already read about it in the American Journal of Astrophysics!

Joey: By the way, can we please get some new magazines for the bathroom?

Michael: I mentioned the party to him, thinking he s never going to come. Not only is he coming now, he wants to bring his girlfriend.

Alex: So?

Michael: You don t understand. If Seth Tobin has a girlfriend, it means..Oh God, it means I m the last guy from my group of friends at school to have a serious relationship. The last!

Joey: Even after the allergic-to-light guy?

Michael: Arthur Trang does all right. I mean, if you tell a girl, We have to sit here in the dark or I ll die stuff happens.

Joey: That is going right in the arsenal!

Michael: God, I m so sick of Seth beating me all the time. You know what it s like to have someone like you, but just a little bit better?

Joey: Yeah. Johnny Depp.

Michael: I don t even want to go tonight.

Joey: What?! This is our party. The whole reason to have it was to do something together.

Michael: I thought this party was for Jake.

Joey: That s right! Jake is coming!

Gina: You know what? You need a girlfriend tonight? I don t know this Seth guy. I ll be your girlfriend.

Michael: Okay mom, no!

Gina: What, we could be a couple! (To Joey and Alex) Aren t we a cute couple?

Alex: People go to jail for things like that.

Joey: Yeah.

Michael: Seriously Mom, stop.

Gina: You don t think I m sexy enough? I mean, come on. This is a body of a 22 year old. (Lifts up her shirt to show her stomach) I mean, look how tight my-

Alex: Please stop!

Gina: What did you say?

Alex: Well, first of all, oh so tight! And uh, I could do it.

Michael: You d really do that for me?

Alex: Yeah, I could be your girlfriend. I mean, after all, my husband s out of town. I could use a date.

Gina: Alex, you re a married woman, is that really appropriate?

Joey: You know the word appropriate ?

Michael: Well um Alex, I mean, if you d come with me tonight, I d really appreciate that.

Gina: Big step down, but whatever!

[Scene 4: Joey and Michael s house. The part is starting, and Alex walks in.]
Alex: Hey, your fake girlfriend s here.

Michael: Oh, is that what you re wearing? I just thought you were going to show a little more skin.

Alex: Well sometimes what you don t see is even sexier.

Joey: Yeah, only women think that.

Michael: (To Alex) No, I m sorry. You look great. I m just a little nervous about tonight, that s all. Uh, maybe we should get our stories strait. I mean, if we blow this, Seth..he ll never let me hear the end of it.

Alex: Okay um, my middle name is Julia. I grew up in-

Michael: Oh actually, I had some thoughts about your backstory. (Hands Alex some note cards)

Alex: My backstory? (Reading off one of the cards) Veronica Rockefeller. Neurosurgeon slash bikini model. (To Michael)I m sorry, am I not good enough for you?

Michael: No! No!

Alex: (Reading the card again) For believability, please lower your age to thirty?

Michael: Right..

Alex: I m 28!

[Cut to Joey waiting for Jake by the door.]

Joey: Hey guys, could you not stand by the door? When Jake come in, I don t want you two to be the first people he sees.

[Seth walks in with his date, Molly]

Seth: Hi.

Joey: No, no, no. In you go.

Michael: Seth!

Seth: Sorry I m late. I had a congratulatory phone call from Stephen Hawking. An honor, sure, but just..(Gestures that he talks a lot) Oh, this is my girlfriend Molly Wintle.

Michael: Hi. Uh, this is my girlfriend Alex Garret.

Seth: I didn t know you were seeing anyone. How long have you been together?

Michael: Uhh..

Alex: Well it s hard to say in a way, because for a long time he didn t wanna be exclusive. This dog s gotta run! But, I guess we ve been together about 3 months.

Seth: We ve been together five. That s two months more. 61 days.

Michael: 1,464 hours.

Michael and Seth: 87, 840 minutes!

[Gina runs up to Michael]

Gina: How could you?

Michael: What?

Gina: First you break up with me, then you show up here with this tramp! (Slaps Michael)

[Gina walks away, over to the front door where Joey is still waiting.]

Joey: Jake better show. I mean look at these people. Who else could I possible be friends with here, Crazy Pet Lady? No sir, I do not care for the way her bird talks about our president.

[A man walks in]

Howard: Hey, I m Howard, from apartment 12.

Joey: Oh hi. Joey. This is Gina.

Howard: Hey great, nice to meet you. I m actually new here in LA and I find it kind of hard to meet people. Lots of tables for one for old Howie lately! So I was pretty excited to get your invitation. I mean, I ve seen you around the building and I ve been wanting to meet you, and here I am!

Joey: Yay! Well uh, enjoy yourself.

[Howie walks away]

Joey: Wow, he seems a little desperate, huh?

Gina: At least he didn t throw a party to make you his friend.

Joey: (Laughs) Yeah, right. Oh.

[Scene 5: Michael and Joey s house. Michael and Alex are talking to Seth and Molly.]
Seth: (His watch beeps) Oh, it s almost 9. There ll be a visible pass by the International Space Station soon. Molly and I share a passion for the night sky.

Alex: Oh, how nice. Michael and I share a passion for sex in public.

Seth: We ll be outside.

[Seth and Molly go outside]

Michael: Sex in public? Where d that come from?

Alex: Oh, I read about it in Cosmo. 60 percent of us do it. Wait a minute, did you see that plate of food Seth just brought for Molly with the chicken skewers and the mini hot dogs?

Michael: I guess.

Alex: Molly just told me she s a vegetarian. If they ve been together for five months, he would know that.

Michael: You know, I noticed another weird thing. She didn t even know about Seth s asthma. It sends him to the hospital like every other week.

Alex: It doesn t seem like they know each other very well. Do you think she could be a fake girlfriend?

Michael: Let s find out. (Yells to Molly outside) Hey Molly, which one s better? Jedi or Empire?

Molly: I don t know.

Michael: (To Alex) She s fake!

[Cut to Joey and Howard]

Howard: And then when Drake Ramoray walks in and sees them in bed together? Ah! That was an amazing scene!

Joey: Interesting story about that scene; See originally, Drake wasn t supposed to be in it at all. But then, while looking for a bathroom, I accidentally walked onto the set. The rest is history.

Howard: Well Days of Our Lives has not been the same without you.

Joey: Well I got some old tapes if you ever wanna- (Sees Jake) Oh, Jake!

[Joey walks over to Jake and Gina, leaving Howard by the bar]

Joey: Hey, what s going on?

Jake: Hey.

Gina: Yeah, I was just having a nice time with one of your guests here.

Joey: Yeah, this is Jake.

Gina: This is Jake? Rainbow Jake?

Joey: Yeah! Uh, whatever that means.

Jake: (To Gina) So, you re a hairdresser? Would you do anything different with my hair?

Gina: Let me see. Turn around for a sec. Great body. Really great body.

Joey: Okay, enough. Enough Gina. Maybe Jake would like a drink.

Gina: Maybe you should get him one.

Joey: Maybe you should get him one.

Gina: Maybe you should get him one.

Jake: You know what? I ll get myself a drink. Can I get anything for the lady?

Gina: So chivalrous. Yes, I ll have another EverClear and Gatorade.

[Jake walks off]

Joey: Why are you flirting with Jake?

Gina: Well I started talking to him before I knew who he was. You didn t tell me e was so cute.

Joey: Well I m sorry. But that s not something I notice with guys, and yes I did!

Gina: Let me just finish talking to him, and then he s all yours.

Joey: No!

Gina: Excuse me?

Joey: Look, I don t want you talking to him. I told you how hard it is for me to meet people.

Gina: Well it s not easy for me either. Why can t we share him?

Joey: Because that never works. Every time you get involved with one of my friends, you ruin it. Okay? Either you break up with him and he doesn t want to be with me anymore, or he breaks up with you and you scare him away! That s why I had to quit the football team, the baseball team..I ended up having to do theater! Oh, so, thanks.

Gina: You are being ridiculous. Just back off, okay?

Joey: No, you back off.

Gina: No, you back off! You know, I see why you have trouble meeting people. You got so much food in your teeth.

Joey: Well, I was afraid Jake wasn t going to show, and when I get nervous, I eat.

Howard: (Walks over to Joey and Gina) Wow, we have so much in common!

Joey: Get out of here!

Gina: Go!

Howard: Awesome.

[Scene 6: Joey and Michael s house. Joey and Gina are still arguing over Jake.]
Joey: Look, Jake s gonna be here any second with the drinks. Why don t we let him decide who he wants to be with?

Gina: I m so sure he s gonna pick me, I ll give you a one minute head start.

Joey: Look, I don t need you charity, okay? Jake and I are going to be-

Gina: Hey, you just wasted ten seconds.

Joey: Only 40 seconds left! (Walks over to Jake) Hey man, nothing like a cold beer on a warm summer night, huh?

Jake: This is apple juice. I m an alcoholic.

Joey: It s a disease. (Gina gestures to him that his time is counting down) Uh, so what do you do for a living Jake?

Jake: I m a market make in the energy sector. Mostly do arbitrage.

Joey: Oh hey, my uncle s a garbage man, yeah. (Gina starts walking over to them, and Joey starts talking very fast.) I m an actor myself. Not really working right now, so that s not interesting. Uh, I love video games, and Diehard. I m an excellent parallel parker. I once saw Mr. T in a restaurant!

[Gina walks up to them]

Gina: Hi. It s really hot in here. You wanna go check out the patio? (Takes off her jacket)

Jake: (To Joey) Catch you later.

[Jake and Gina go outside]

Joey: I knew it! What you do see is sexier!

[Cut to Michael and Alex]

Michael: This is such typical Seth. He could ve just come to the party alone, but instead he goes through all this trouble, just to one up me.

Alex: Well he s not going to get away with it. I m a lawyer. I ll just pretend he s a defendant..for a very, very geeky crime.

Michael: Oh, they re splitting up.

Alex: Good. Divide and conquer. You take nerdly.

Michael: Okay.

[Michael goes to talk to Seth, and Alex goes to talk to Molly]

Alex: So, tell me, how exactly did you and Seth meet?

Molly: (Speaks in a way that is very obvious she is reciting from memory) Oh, at a Memorial Day Party thrown by a mutual friend. It was a sunset cruise around Catalina Island.

Alex: That s so romantic.

Molly: And I had to go to San Francisco on business that night, so Seth offered to drive me to the airport. Then when I came back, he surprised me by picking me up, too.

Alex: Aww. A couple of questions, um, you said you went on a Sunset Cruise on Memorial Day?

Molly: Um, yeah.

Alex: And then you flew to San Francisco later that night?

Molly: On business.

Alex: So just a few weeks before the summer solstice, when the sun sets well after 8 o clock, your sunset cruise got back in time for you to catch a flight to San Francisco -- when, and correct me if I m wrong, the last shuttle to SFO leaves at 9 o clock PM. Is that what you re saying?

Molly: I don t remember.

Alex: Now I want to return to something else that you said about this alleged boat trip.

[Cut to Michael and Seth]

Seth: I don t know if you noticed, but I ve been working out.

Michael: Oh yeah, I ve been working out too.

Seth: Oh yeah? I m bench-pressing 90 pounds. Can you bench press your body weight? So, what do you think Molly and Alex are talking about?

Michael: Oh, it s girl stuff.

[Cut to Alex and Molly]

Alex: ..then either it didn t happen that way, or both you and Seth are in violation of the US Fisheries Act of 1988!

Molly: (Scared) I have to go to the bathroom.

Alex: The answers aren t in there, Miss Wintle! (Gives Michael a thumbs-up sign)

[Scene 7: Joey and Michael s house. Gina and Jake are talking by the fireplace. Joey walks over to them.]
Joey: Hey Gina, sorry to interrupt, but I have to show you something. Armand Assante just walked in. (Pulls Gina away from Jake)

Gina: Oh my god. I love him! Where?

Joey: He s not here. I just wanted to get you away from Jake so I could have some time to talk to him.

Gina: You know, one day Armand Assante will be here, and I won t go because you have fooled me so many times!

Joey: Look, he s gonna leave soon, okay? Can t you just let me have 5 minutes? I already saw you give him your number.

Gina: Yeah, and I put a little lipstick kiss on it to up what I call the class factor.

Joey: Okay, how bout this? If you don t let me talk to him, I m gonna tell him some stuff about you.

Gina: Good, I don t have any secrets.

Joey: How old did you tell him you were?

Gina: Alright, five minutes.

Joey: Yeah. (Walks over to Jake) Hey, Jake.

Jake: Hey, thanks for the great party. I gotta take off.

Joey: No, really?

Jake: Yeah, I got a basketball game in the morning. Say, I was wondering if the J-Bird wants to come.

Joey: Who? Oh, that s me! Yeah.

Jake: Sweet. So I ll swing by, pick you up around 9?

Joey: Great.

[Jake throws something in the trash as he walks out the door]

Joey: Hey Jake, what uh, what s that you just threw out there? (Takes it out of the trash)

Jake: Oh, nothing, just the phone number of that girl I was talking to. I was hoping to get a little more than a phone number tonight. She s got more self-esteem than that outfit would suggest.

Joey: So you re not gonna call her?

Jake: Aw, she s fine for a slow night, but not exactly worth dinner and a movie, right?

Joey: That s my sister, Jake.

Jake:, I m sorry. I don t know what to say. We still on for basketball?

Joey: No, I think I m gonna play basketball with some guys who don t think my sister s trashy.

Jake: Yeah, well good like finding them.

Joey: Yeah, tell me about it.

[Joey closes the door, and Gina walks over]

Joey: Hey uh, I think I came on a little too strong with Jake. I might ve freaked him out. He s probably not gonna call.

Gina: I saw him throw my number out, Joey, but I like your story better. He just wanted a one-night stand, huh? A one night stand..

Joey: Don t even think about it!

Gina: Are you okay? I mean, I know how much this meant to you. You went through all this trouble just to meet him.

Joey: Oh no, no, no. It s alright, it s alright. I just, I didn t think it d be this hard to meet people, ya know?

Gina: Hey, remember when you left home and moved to Manhattan? You found people there.

Joey: Yeah, but I was a kid then. It was easy, you know? I got to go through all that again now?

Gina: Aw, look, it ll happen. At least this time you got me.

Joey: I do have your number. (Looks at the number that she had given to Jake) Now does underlining up late also up the class factor?

[Cut to Alex and Molly walking over to Michael and Seth]

Alex: Molly has something she d like to say.

Molly: I don t want to do this anymore. I just want to go home.

Seth: What do you mean?

Alex: Seth, the game is up. We know she s not your girlfriend.

Seth: Oh my god.

Michael: Seth, why? Why did you lie?

Seth: So I could beat you for once, okay?

Michael: What are you talking about?

Seth: You got into Cal Tech s doctoral program; I got rejected. You got this killer apartment; I live at home and share a bathroom with my grandmother. I never win.

Michael: That s how you feel about me? Look, okay, I have to tell you something. Alex isn t real.

Seth: You built her? (Goes to look at Alex)

Alex: Get away from me!

Michael: No, no, I mean she s not really my girlfriend. Okay yes, I asked her to pretend to be my date tonight to impress you cause I..I fell like I never win.

Seth: Wow. Makes you think.

Michael: Yeah. So I guess we both kind of learned our lesson.

Seth: I learned it first.

Michael: Well I learned it better.

Seth: I kinda already knew it actually.

Michael: I m the one who-

[Joey walks over]

Joey: Geeks, geeks, geeks, we re done.

[Scene 8: Joey and Michael s house. Joey and Howard are cleaning up from the party.]
Joey: So he was the real reason I threw this party, and he turns out to be a jerk, you know? All I wanted was someone to hang out with. (Howard looks at him as if he could be his friend) Okay, we can try it, but I m not making any promises.

Howard: You will not regret this.

Joey: Hey Gina, on a trial basis, Howard here is gonna be my friend. Okay, now I don t want you hitting on him and ruining everything.

Gina: Well I ll try to control myself. I m only woman.

Howard: (To Joey) Hey, let s play a game where you throw the trash in the bag and use my body as a backboard.

Joey: (Throws in two cups) This just might work out!

[Scene 9: Joey and Michael s house. Alex and Michael are cleaning up.]
Alex: I don t know why you caved. We totally had them.

Michael: Are you kidding me? They would ve caught on eventually. Just, no one would believe that a girl like you would be going out with you know, me.

Alex: Oh please. Would you stop selling yourself short like that?

Michael: I m not, I just know my limitations. Women uh, don t like me. Except for lesbians who, when I m wearing my old glasses, think I m one of them.

Alex: Let me tell you something, if there was a twenty year old me out there, she would want to be with a guy like you.

Michael: If I could build an ultra-realisitc girl robot, I d want her to be just like you.

Alex: Well that s sweet.

Michael: But I d probably give her bigger-

Alex: That s enough.

Michael: Okay.

Episode 101- Pilot

[Scene 1: Joey in a cab. Entrance music “Hooray For Hollywood”]


Cab Driver: Where am I taken ya?

Joey: Uh, I got it here some place. It’s my sister’s place. She was supposed to pick me up, but she’s kinda not all there ya know? (Forgets about finding his ticket and looks out the window)

Cab Driver: The address?

Joey: Right! Right, right.

Cab Driver: So, you here visiting family?

Joey: Well, no I’m an actor.  I’ve been in New York, but I got offered work in LA and I think it’s time for me to take my shot. Kinda scary. I mean, I left my whole life behind but I think it’s a smart move. Ya know, if you wanna make it as an actor, you gotta move to LA, to Hollywood.

Cab Driver: So what are you doing here in Dallas?

Joey: (Realizing) I did have a layover in Dallas…

[Opening Credits]

[Scene 2: At the airport. Entrance music “Hooray For Hollywood”]

Joey: (Walks in skeptically, looking around, and then sees a sign saying “Welcome To Los Angeles”) Oh thank god!

Gina: (Running towards Joey) Oh my god, Joey!

Joey: Hey Gina!

Gina: Oh, my brother the star! (Yells to a guy passing by) Days of Our Lives! (Pointing to Joey)

Joey: Not anymore.

Gina: Formerly!

Joey: It’s so good to see you.

Gina: Oh, I know, I missed you so much.

Joey: (Steps back away from Gina) Wait a second, wait a second. You look different.

Gina: Oh, I forgot. You haven’t seen ‘em. (Unzips her jacket to reveal that she got a boob job) Huh? What do you think?  They’re new! I went up three cup sizes. The doctor was reluctant. Come on, touch ‘em.

Joey: (Shocked) Uh..let’s get my bag. I’ll feel ya up in the car, I promise.

Gina: So, tell me about the big new job.

Joey: Oh, well uh, it all started when I got this new agent, this lady is a shark. And that means she’s a good agent not an actual shark.

Gina: I know that.

Joey: Yeah, I did too. Anyway, she got me offers from two new shows!

Gina: Wow, what are they?

Joey: Well the first one’s about a bunch of male nurses, and I wasn’t really crazy about that one. I mean, I’ve already been a brain surgeon. I don’t think my fans would buy me as a nurse.

Gina: Well they bought you as a brain surgeon. They’re pretty understanding.

Joey: Okay, well it doesn’t matter alright. ‘Cause the other show is about a cop, and I’m the star! Oh and also, it’s for cable. So there’s a combination of nudity and swearing that I find intriguing. (Smiles)

Gina: I am so proud of you. So, how many bags are we looking for? (Points to the baggage claim)

Joey: Just one. The rest of my stuff’s on a moving truck, and I gave them your number. The company’s called Movers and Shakers. They cost a little more, but man, that name cracked me up. (Laughs) Oh no, wait, that was my bag!

Gina: It’s okay. Hold on. (Puts one foot on the baggage claim and sticks out her chest.) Sir, could you grab that bag? (The man goes to get it) Thank you.

Joey: Well they do get things done.

[Scene 3: Outside Joey’s house]

Gina: Huh?

Joey: Wow! I think I like LA.

Gina: I thought you and Chandler shoulda moved out a long time ago. It’s a very vibrant gay scene.

Joey: Chandler and I are not a gay couple! (To a guy sitting by the pool) Hi.

Gina: Okay, this is it; your new home. (Unlocks the door and they both walk into Joey’s new house)

Joey: Oh my god! Yeah, oh, Gina it’s awesome! Thank you for finding this, oh, I love it!

Gina: Good, ‘cause if you didn’t I was gonna lie and tell you Tom Cruise used to live here.

Joey: Tom Cruise lived here?

Gina: Sure he did hunny. Oh let me show you the best part! (Takes Joey out to the back porch) Check this out. Here, sit over here and lean back. (Joey sits) Look over there.

Joey: Is that the middle of the Hollywood sign?

Gina: That is the “ollywoo” sign.

Joey: I can see the ollywoo sign! And into that women’s bathroom, and now she sees me looking. (Yelling) Hey neighbor! Oh man…

Gina: What’s the matter?

Joey: I just, I can’t believe I’m here, ya know. It doesn’t, it doesn’t feel real. (Hugs Gina) And neither do those.

Gina: (Phone Rings) Gina Tribbiani, Hairdresser to the stars.

Joey: Stars?

Gina: (To Joey) It sounds better than “Hairdresser to mostly Dominicans”

Joey: Oh.

Gina: (On the phone again) Yeah hunny. Come on up. (Hangs up) It’s my Michael. He’s parking.


Joey: Oh, great! Say, what is Michael now, 20?


Gina: Yeah, don’t I look incredible for the mother of an adult son? That’s a good thing about having a kid so young.

Joey: Yeah, you rarely hear the argument for teen pregnancy.

Gina: (Sarcastically) Hahaha. Michael is so excited to see you again. Oh, and by the way, I told him I had him when I was 22. I don’t want him to think his mother’s a tramp.

Joey: Uhh.. (Zips up Gina’s jacket)

[Michael enters]

Michael: Uncle Joey!

Joey: Hey! Wow. Whoa man, I still think of you as a little kid. So much for these wings I picked up on the airplane. (Takes a pair of pilot wings out of his pocket)

Michael: Oh, no, I’ll still take ‘em.

Joey: (Reluctantly) Oh, well, I was just going to show ‘em to ya…

Gina: Tell your uncle Joey what you’ve been up to lately.

Michael: Well uh, now that college is done, I’m just doing some grad work over at Cal Tech Center for simulation of dynamic response materials.

Joey: (Confused) Umm..

Gina: Can you believe he came out of me?

Michael: Actually right now we’re designing a mock-up for an escape module for the international space station.

Joey: (Sarcastically) Haha, what are you, a rocket scientist?

Michael: Yes..

Joey: Oh, oh, so hey. How do you like living at school?

Michael: Oh no, I still live with Mom.

Joey: (Laughs) Oh man! (Gina glares at him) That is nice!

Gina: Shut up, we have fun. (To Michael) Tell him we have fun.

Michael: No, I mean we do have fun. We have a lot more in common than most moms and sons, ‘cause she had me when she was just like 22, so-

Joey: Right, oh yeah, yeah. 22, that’s why we had to change churches.

Gina: (Walks to the kitchen) Michael where’s the lasagnas?

Michael: Oh, I left it in the car.

Gina: Oh I’ll get it. Look at that, so much going on up here, he can’t even remember the lasagna. (Leaves)

Joey: Wow, we are different you and me. (Points to Michael) So, come on. What else is going on?

Michael: Well actually, I’m thinking about moving out.

Joey: Oh yeah, where?

Michael: Here with you.

Joey: What?

Michael: I’m 20 year old, man. I shouldn’t be living with my mom. Everyone at school makes fun of me. And it’s not like these are the cool kids. They’re not quarterbacks. Engineers!

Joey: Uh well, why do you want to live with me?

Michael: Well, this may not be a big selling point, but I have no rent. And I mean also, you’re my cool uncle Joey. Living with you, that would just, you know..

Joey: Yeah, break your mother’s heart.

Michael: I know. I know, but I mean, it’s gonna happen sometime. I just have to get out of there. Have you seen the breasts?

Joey: See ‘em? She made me touch ‘em!

[Scene 4: Joey’s Back Porch. He’s leaning back looking at the Ollywoo sign.

Alex: Hi!

Joey: Whoa! (Falls off the ledge backwards) It’s actually not that big of a drop. Hi. Some first impression, huh?

Alex: Oh, actually I got my first impression last night. I saw you out here practicing your (Unsure) Judo?

Joey: Oh, that wasn’t Judo. I had a bee on me.

Alex: (Laughs) I’m Alex. I live next door.

Joey: Really? I’m Joey.

Alex: Hi. So you just moved out here?

Joey: Yeah. Yeah, from New York. (Proudly) Uh, I’m an actor.

Alex: Aww, that’s so cute. You think it’s a big deal to be an actor. Everybody out here’s an actor. That guy in that apartment...(Points at different apartments) Actor. Actor. Actor. Porn Actor.

Joey: Really?

Alex: Yeah, he lives above me. It’s not the best.

Joey: Oh, so I guess if everyone here’s an actor, that means you’re an actor too?

Alex: Oh no, actually I’m a corporate lawyer.

Joey: Wow. What is that?

Alex: I represent greedy businesses. I make the world just a little bit worse. Were you on Days Of Our Lives?

Joey: (Doesn’t realize he’s wearing a shirt that says “Days Of Our Lives”) Ah, took you a minute but you recognized me, huh? (Realizing) I’m wearing my Days Of Our Lives shirt, aren’t I? Yeah, I did the soap thing, but I’m out her to move beyond that. I’m actually a very serious actor, yeah. (Clears his throat) “Romeo! Romeo! Where for art thou Romeo?” That was Romeo.

Allison: Actually, that was Juliette.

Joey: What?

Allison: Yeah well Romeo doesn’t start a speech saying “Oh Romeo, Romeo.”

Joey: I’ve done that for like a million auditions!

[Scene 5: Gina, Michael, and Joey are at the studio. Joey is filming his Cop show.]

Director:  Blue Wall, Scene C, Take 2. And…Action!

[Joey does a scene where he repeatedly punches a guy, makes loud grunting noises, and gets drenched in fake blood.]

Director: And…Cut! (Buzzing sound)

Joey: (Excited) Huh?

Gina: I can’t believe I’m on a set. I feel like I should be networking. Let me go talk to the director. (Runs off)

Joey: (To Michael) So, it must be pretty cool seeing your uncle star in his own show, huh?

Michael: Not as cool as it would be to see my roommate in his own show.

Joey: Uh yeah. Michael about that, come here. I don’t think it’s a good idea.

Michael: Why not?

Joey: I don’t want to get between you and your mom alright? I can’t have her mad at me. When we were kids, she used to torture me. She hit me all the time. She used to hold me down and force me to say “I am gay for David Cassidy.”

Michael: Who’s that?

Joey: David Cassidy? From The Partridge Family, really good-looking –ugh the point is! I don’t want her mad at me. Okay, I’m sorry

Michael: It’s okay. I understand.

Joey: Alright, good.

Gina: (Comes running back) You are not gonna believe this! The director thought I was an actress!

Joey: Sure, that’s ‘cause you got big fake boobs and you’re crazy.

[Scene 6: Joey and Gina are outside Joey’s house by the pool. Gina’s reading the newspaper.]

Joey: I love it out here! Sunny, and 72 degrees every day. I wonder what it’s like in New York.

Gina: Seventy-one.

Joey: Poor bastards.

[Alex joins them]

Alex: Hey.

Joey: Oh hey Alex. This is my sister Gina. (To Gina) Alex lives right next door.

Gina: Hey, you have very beautiful hair.

Alex: Oh, thanks.

Gina: If you ever wanna sell it, you give me a call. (Hands Alex a business card)

[Alex walks away confused]

Joey: Hey! I liked that girl. Don’t be trying to buy her hair! She could be the future Mrs. Joey Tribbiani, or at the very least, the future awkward situation. (His phone rings) Ooh, it’s my agent, the shark. (Answers it) Hello. Hi Bobbie. Right, yeah. What? Why? Yeah, ok, bye. (Hangs up) My show is dead! It’s not even gonna air!

Gina: Oh my God, did they say why?

Joey: People thought it was disgusting. Geez, you defecate on one corpse!

Gina: Oh, honey, I am so sorry.

Joey: I can’t believe this. How could I go from having two shows to having nothing?

Gina: Do you think you shoulda done the other show? The Nurses thing?

Joey: Oh no way. I mean, my show didn’t go, but believe me. No one is gonna watch a show about nurses.

[Scene 7: Joey, Gina, and Michael are watching TV at Joey’s house]

Reporter: I’m with Sam Baxter, one of the hunky stars of the new hit show Nurses. Now, Sam, was it true that you weren’t exactly the first choice for the role?

Sam: Well that’s right. The producers had originally offered the role to someone else; an actor by the name of Joey..Tribaney.

Reporter: Well wherever he is, I’m sure Joey Tribaney is kicking himself.

Joey: Tribbiani! Joey Tribbiani is kicking himself! (Kicks himself)

[Scene 8: The kitchen in Joey’s house. Michael is cooking]

Joey: Hey, what are you doing here?

Michael: Mom told me you’d be clearing out your dressing room today, so I figured I’d come by and cheer you up.

Joey: Aw, what are you cooking?

Michael: Uh, spaghetti and meatballs. It’s Grandma’s recipe. It always makes me fell better. Mom made it for me this one time, this one time I got a B.

Joey: Oh, I got a B once. Cheated my ass off.

Michael: So, was today hard?

Joey: Yeah, I can’t believe it. A week ago I was the star of my own show, and now I’m the guy who turned down Nurses. Which is strange, because in real life I would never turn down a nurse.

Michael: So what do you do now?

Joey: I got a meeting with my agent later to figure out some kind of game plan.

Michael: Hey, they’re making a new Indiana Jones movie, maybe you could..turn that down.

Joey: Feeling a little bit more comfortable around your Uncle Joe, are ya? Hey, this is really nice, thanks for doing this.

Michael: You know, if you let me be your roommate you could have this like every day.

Joey: Michael, look, you’re a great kid, and I would love to have you as my roommate but your mother would flip out. I mean (Takes a bite of spaghetti) Uh.. (Looks at the spaghetti) You’re in!

Michael: Yes! (Tries to take one of the meatballs)

Joey: No, no, no, no, no, no!

[Scene 9: Bobbie’s Office]

Bobbie: Hey, Joey. Have a seat doll.

Joey: Hey, thanks for seeing me Bobbie. Look, I know we blew it by turning down that Nurses thing, but I gotta believe there is something bigger for me right around the corner.

Bobbie: Listen, you are living in a dream world.

Joey: Excuse me?

Bobbie: That Nurses show is huge.  Everyone involved in it is going to become insanely rich, and it’s going to haunt you for the rest of your life. But my job is to keep up your morale.

Joey: I do feel better.

Bobbie: Look, I’m a straight shooter, but I’ll tell ya something else about me. I am the best. There is nothing that I wouldn’t do for you. I would..throw on a meat skirt and wrestle a lion. I would pull off my own ears and eat them.

Joey: That’s…gross!

Bobbie: I am gonna get you through this. I tell you, next year I am gonna find you a show that is gonna blow this Nurses thing right out of the –Oh, what the hell am I saying? Nothing’s gonna top that!

Joey: Uh, wha..hold on. Next year? No no no, I need to get something now.

Bobbie: Well, I got nothing. Zilch. Zero. Nada.

Joey: There’s gotta be something.

Bobbie: Well, they do need a host for this new entertainment news show. It’s not really acting, but it may work since you have such a tremendous head.

Joey: (Touches his head) I do?

Bobbie: Oh, we don’t have time for this! (Writes down the information an hands it to Joey)

Joey: Thanks, Bobbie, thank you.

Bobbie: (Laughs) Looks like you got a big barrel on your shoulders.

[Scene 10: Joey’s House]

Joey: Gina, where have you been? My audition’s in half an hour.

Gina: Sorry, I’ll give ya a little trim. It’ll take two minutes.

Joey: Hey, uh, any sign of my stuff? Have the movers called?

Gina: No.

Joey: Stupid Movers and Shakers! (Laughs) I can’t be mad at those guys! Hey, do me a favor. See if you can make my head look a little smaller. 

Gina: (Starts cutting his hair but stops) Ya know, I can’t do this. I’m too upset.

Joey: What’s the matter?

Gina: Michael said he was moving out.

Joey: Uh, did he say who he was moving in with?

Gina: No, why?

Joey: Uh, no reason. But you know, if you think about it Gina, this could be a good thing. You could have more time for your hairdressing.

Gina: Oh please, I’m not much of a hairdresser anyways. The only reason I even started cutting hair was because Channel 5 exposed me as the South’s most dangerous dental technician.

Joey: That was some damning footage.

Gina: I just don’t know what I’m going to do without him. He’s my baby.

Joey: Hey, come on.

Gina: No really. I don’t have much to be proud of..but him I did right. (Phone rings) I gotta take this. (On the phone) What? Yeah.Well I got a lead on some blonde hair. (Joey glares at her) I need some good straight stuff.

[Gina leaves and Michael enters]

Michael: Okay, we got a big problem. I just told mom I was moving out. She went crazy. (Gina walks in) I don’t know what she’s going to do when she hears I’m living with you.

Joey: Well, let’s find out! (Gina is shocked)

Michael: Why didn’t you tell me she was here?

Joey: You couldn’t tell I was getting a haircut?! You think I just walk around my apartment in a cape?!

Gina: He’s gonna live here? Are you kidding me?

Michael: Mom, look. This was my idea.

Joey: That’s true.

Gina: Sure, I bet you landed and right away he begged you. “Please, get me away from my mother!”

Joey: Uhh..

Michael: Uhh..

Gina: (To Joey) I cannot believe you would do this to me.

Joey: Hey, Gina, Gina, wait up!

Michael: Ma..

[Gina leaves furious]

Michael: Oh my God.

Joey: I know. I know. (Lifts up the hairdressing smock he has on) I could eat a really big lobster in this.

[Scene 10: Studio at the auditions for Hollywood Minute]

Director: Okay Joey, the audition’s very simple. Uh, three cameras. Each one has a teleprompter beneath the lens, and a red light on top. Whichever red light is lit, that’s the camera you address. The producer will watch you from that monitor.

Joey: Geez, is that a man or a woman?

Director: And, you’re miked.

Joey: Okay. Let’s do this.

Director: We on a roll? Joey Tribbiani audition in five, four, three..

Joey: Welcome to Hollywood Minute. I’m name. (Realizes he was supposed to add in his own name) Uh, can I start again?

Director: Sure, whenever you’re ready.

Joey: Welcome to Hollywood Minute. I’m Joey Tribbiani, and here are today’s tops stories. (The camera switches but Joey doesn’t realize the red light has changed) Even though she’s on vacation-

Director: Uh, Joey, you didn’t switch cameras.

Joey: Oh, did the light change?

Director: Yeah, even though you’re reading, you need to be aware of when the light changes.

Joey: That’s really the best way to do this?

Director: Okay, let’s try this again in five, four, three..

Joey: Welcome to Hollywood Minute. I’m Joey Tribbiani, and here are today’s top stories. (He changes cameras, but he’s still looking at the wrong one) Even though she’s on vacation, Jennifer Lopez is in the news today. (Realizes he’s looking at the wrong camera and switches to a different one, but it’s still not the right one) More – more on that story later, but first, let’s check out the box office returns for this weekend. (Camera switches again) Topping the list for the third week in a row – Man that is one fast red light. (Switches to the wrong camera again) Topping the list (Switches again) Topping the list (Switches again) No, I know it’s not that one (Points at the camera) Where the hell is it?!

Director: Okay Joey, thanks for coming in.

Joey: No, no, no. I’m getting the hang of it. Please mister, or miss, producer. Um, I need this job. I can do this.

Director: You’re looking at the wrong camera.

Joey: Damn it! Romeo, oh, Romeo! (Gives up and walks out of the studio)

[Scene 11: Outside Joey’s house]

Alex: Hey!

Joey: Hey.

Alex: What’s wrong?

Joey: Oh, I just blew an audition to host this stupid entertainment show.

Alex: Oh, well is that even acting?

Joey: No. It’s just following a really fast red light.

Alex: I’m sorry. If it helps, I had a really rough day at work too. The company I represent can’t drill for oil in Yosemite.

Joey: Well, if we’re both bummed, you wanna go be bummed together? Maybe we could get something to eat.

Alex: Oh, I wish I could. I have to go to the airport to pick up my husband.

Joey: Oh, you’re married?

Alex: You didn’t know? Didn’t you see the ring?

Joey: Yeah. Yeah I saw the ring, but it’s no on your left hand so..

Alex: Yeah, it is.

Joey: (Looks at his hands) If you say so.

[Alex walks off and Joey walks inside his house]

Joey: (To Michael) Hey. Hey, did you know that girl next door is married?

Michael: Oh, I can’t talk to that girl. S-s-she makes my stutter come back. Uh, can I talk to you?

Joey: Look, Michael, if we’re gonna be roommates, you should know there are gonna be times when I’m not gonna want to talk. I’m just gonna want to eat the spaghetti you made for me.

Michael: Um, actually, well, I’m not gonna be your roommate.

Joey: What? Why?

Michael: I don’t know. I talked it over with my mom and-

Joey: Oh Michael, don’t listen to her! (Gina walks in) She’s a selfish, crazy –Okay we need a signal for when she’s here!

Gina: Come on Michael. We’re leaving.

Joey: Look Gina, this is nuts! He’s a man okay. He’s graduated college. He shaves. He sleeps with women.

Michael: Yeah, I-I do shave.

Joey: Come on, you have to let him go!

Gina: Oh yeah? (Grabs his ear)

Joey: (Screams) Okay, you can hurt me all you want, but he’s gonna move out sometime.

Gina: Not if I can help it.

Joey: Look Gina, I know he’s your baby, but it’s time to move on! Change can be good.

Gina: Oh, it’s easy for you to say.

Joey: No, it’s not! Look, nobody understands wanting things to say the same like I do. I was happy in New York! Okay, and I tried really hard to keep things from changing, but everyone else got married, and had kids, and moved on. They all changed. So, I’m giving change a shot, and it has been hard. But, okay, just hoping things stay the same, it doesn’t work.

Gina: What, are you smarter than you used to be?

Joey: Nah, I don’t know where that came from.

Gina: (To Michael) You know he’s a slob, right? You know how you like everything nice, and clean, and in it’s own little place? There’s going to be sauce on everything you own.

Joey: I don’t know how it happens.

Michael: Ma..Ma, that’s okay.

Gina: Well, if this is what you really want..

Michael: Thank you, Mom. Thank you.

Gina: I’m just going to miss you, that’s all. It’s been the two of us for such a long time.

Joey: Yeah, well now it’s the three of us.

Gina: (To Joey) You gave your speech. Enough. (To Michael) You sure you’re gonna be okay?

Joey: Gina he’s gonna be fine. He’s old enough to move out. You were raising a kid when you were 16. (Gina glares at him) Ooo..

Michael: How did I not figure that out?! I mean, I took calculus when I was eight.

Gina: (To Joey) You’re dead.

Joey: Okay now, Gina, now back off. I don’t wanna hurt you.

Gina: Oh yeah? (Grabs his ear)

Joey: (Falls to the floor screaming) I’m gay for David Cassidy!

Site run by Joe Hinks. Contact This site was created on the 25th April 2004.